Saturday, November 5, 2011

Former '60 Minutes' Commentator Andy Rooney Dies

269df  default Former 60 Minutes Commentator Andy Rooney Dies

Former '60 Minutes' Commentator Andy Rooney Dies Click on – Andy Rooney so dreaded the day he had to end his signature "60 Minutes" commentaries about life's large and small absurdities that he kept going until he was 92 years old. Even then, he said he wasn't retiring. Writers never retire. But his life after the end of "A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney" was short: He died Friday night, according to CBS, only a month after delivering his 1097th and final televised commentary.



269df  icn star empty 11x11 Former 60 Minutes Commentator Andy Rooney Dies 269df  icn star empty 11x11 Former 60 Minutes Commentator Andy Rooney Dies 269df  icn star empty 11x11 Former 60 Minutes Commentator Andy Rooney Dies 269df  icn star empty 11x11 Former 60 Minutes Commentator Andy Rooney Dies 269df  icn star empty 11x11 Former 60 Minutes Commentator Andy Rooney Dies




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